SCP Foundation Wiki

Item #: SCP- 4191

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4191 is to be contained in a standard steel containment cell lined with Titanium. Food will be automatically dispensed once per day. Any leftover meat will be retrieved by 1 Class-D personnel wearing a fire-retardant suit.

A small number of flammable materials (usually pieces of wood) are to be introduced twice a week to fill SCP-4191's needs. Aside from the regulated introduction of wood, no flammable materials are to be introduced within the chamber at all times.

Description: SCP-4191 is a Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) suffering from pyromania. SCP-4191 wears a papier mâché outfit made to resemble a common western dragon, designated SCP-4191-ẟ. SCP-4191 is capable of generating fire through SCP-4191-ẟ by self-immolation - both SCP-4191 and SCP-4191-ẟ are completely immune to the fire generated by the outfit. Removing SCP-4191-ẟ from SCP-4191 is possible, although if separated for a long time, SCP-4191 will become agitated. Analysis of SCP-4191-ẟ shows that it secretes a liquid with a glue-like consistency; this liquid is highly flammable. It is unknown how SCP-4191 manages to light up the substance.

Testing has revealed that SCP-4191 is an infertile young adult male. Despite SCP-4191's pyromaniac nature, it is rather friendly and cooperative with Foundation personnel, happily playing (and subsequently incinerating) various toys given. SCP-4191 has been affectionately nicknamed by the staff of Site-██ assigned to it as "Pyro"1.

SCP-4191 was first discovered by foundation agents following reports of multiple fires breaking out in the small village of S██████, France. After 4 days of tracking down the anomaly, SCP-4191 was intercepted and restrained by agents a few minutes after burning down an abandoned barn in a nearby.
